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Featured Bass Teachers Near Stow, MA

4054   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Bass lessons in Stow . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Jeffrey M

Instruments: Piano Guitar Drums Bass Guitar Ukulele Double Bass Music Keyboard Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

I cater my teaching style to each student's age, skill level and personality. I have a patient, relaxed teaching style but I'm always ready and willing to push the student as far as they want to go, encouraging them to try their best. Lessons are usually organized into a section focused on technique and music theory followed by a period dedicated to playing songs together, polishing up repertoire and focusing on playing music in real time, together as an ensemble. Read More

Blake J

Instruments: Piano Guitar Bass Guitar Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

With beginning students, I will start with the basics and encourage them to buy A Modern Method for Guitar by William Leavitt. Starting out, students will work on chords and scales. We will also work on building a repetoire of songs for the student to work on perform. Intermediate students will work on the fundamentals of theory, triads, beginner 7th chords, and improvasation. Advanced students will work on expanding their knowledge of theory, inversions, technique building, chord tensions and substitution. Read More

Robert T

Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar Double Bass

I have been teaching Private Lessons since 2008. I began in California (where I am from), teaching guitar and electric bass to younger kids in the high school and middle school I went to. Then in 2010 I went to Berklee to focus on my studies, developing my skills in performance and in education, while always performing and teaching privately on the side. Since Berklee, I have given clinics and masterclasses in numerous countries, and deepened my love for teaching and my methods. Read More

Jonathan C

Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar

I am a guitarist of 11 years, mostly self-taught. I started learning with the RI Philharmonic music program, then learned on my own by playing with my church band and playing my favorite rock albums by ear. I studied Recording Arts at Full Sail University, which gave me a deeper understanding of the process behind music production, and gave me exposure to new kinds of music to expand my pallette of musical expression.If someone asked me what's my favorite type of music, I now simply show them my Spotify playlist as it's gotten to the point where I can't pinpoint a single favorite, and the amount of music I've heard is too much to describe simply.Having returned to my home state of Rhode Island, I continue to play with my church band and continue to heighten my skills as a guitarist, with the hopes of writing my own original material and continue to invest the gift of music in those around me. Read More

Bob E

Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar

Now the student has the expectation that, at whatever point of progress, we will be playing songs through, in steady tempo, clearly and with proper technique. Thus the student/teacher relationship becomes a microcosm of playing in a band! The student is empowered by concrete success, and I, the teacher, am rewarded by the affirmation of getting her/him to play successfully. Further on, I use my sense of what sorts of music the student likes and is interested in, to direct our process in a direction which they will enjoy and which will motivate them. Read More

Erik T

Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar Ukulele Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

Because I have gained so much in terms of amazing experiences from playing, writing, recording and performing music, I want to pass that passion on to those who are interested in learning music, and an instrument, themselves. I am very plan-oriented, knowing that students learn differently and progress at their own pace. In following the structure of a plan for learning, I build in some opportunities for students to experiment with what has been learned, in a way that other students have found to be fun, so that a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of the instrument, and musical structure, are gained by the student. Read More

Eamon S

Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar Ukulele Mandolin Fiddle Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

I always start by asking the question: Where would you like to be with your instrument? What kind of music do you see yourself playing? If the student can't find an answer, I make suggestions and guide them until they find what resonates with them. I then go on to pick a piece of music that the student wants to learn or that I suggest based on their tastes and focus on learning it with them part by part. Read More

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Bass lessons in Stow to students of all ages and abilities.

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Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

  • fugees
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  • DefJam
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  • arista

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