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Featured Saxophone Teachers Near Sutersville, PA

4054   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Saxophone lessons in Sutersville . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Natalie D

Instruments: Trumpet Trombone Saxophone Clarinet Ukulele Euphonium French Horn Music

For young students or beginners, I start with a lesson book such as Essential Elements or Accent on Achievement. Each of these methods series have multiple books that the student can progress through. Once they have reached a certain level of understanding, I will sprinkle in songs that they know and enjoy, such as Disney songs, pop songs, etc. For high school students, I start with famous repertoire for their instrument or more advanced pieces they are interested in. Read More

Roger R

Instruments: Saxophone Clarinet

I encourage progress. I love to see students become stronger and more confident musicians. I like to get students as much into "the real world" as possible, so I push for getting students performing as much as they are learning. I separate practice from performance, with an understanding that how a student sheds will be the core of what is possible in a performance setting.  Read More

Kaitlyn S

Instruments: Guitar Voice Saxophone

For beginner students, I like to start with general music understanding before jumping into the specifics. I will make sure the students can read and understand music so that when we start with harder materials it will be easier and more fun. I will make sure that the students have songs and music books that they will enjoy learning and performing. I will leave it up to the students if they wish to do a recital. Read More

Joseph V

Instruments: Voice Trumpet Trombone Saxophone Clarinet Euphonium Tuba

I am a driven player who believes ardently in the practice of fundamentals and the accuracy of intonation. I auditioned for the U.S Army Band in 2004 and spent 10 years traveling with the group. During this time, I played venues all over the world, including Japan, Korea, Germany, and Iraq among others, and learned to play many different styles of music. Since then, I have been studying with several esteemed musicians from the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and I hope to impart the lessons I have learned upon my students. Read More

Emily R

Instruments: Piano Saxophone Clarinet

I began teaching private lessons part time in high school. I have been teaching for five years and I have been consistently teaching students in their homes and at my studio at Westminster. I have encouraged regular practice, especially in younger students so they can develop their skills and passion for music. Read More

Daniel M

Instruments: Saxophone

In my fifteen years on the saxophone, I've played in all sorts of musical environments and styles, equally comfortable sitting in a swing band as standing in front of an orchestra. No matter what skill level you are or what genre you're hoping to learn, I will be able to help you find ways to improve your sound and style. As my student, you will develop not just your finger work, tonguing, and breathing, but also fundamental listening and analyzing skills that will help you become a more well-rounded, thoughtful, and expressive musician. Read More

Jeff S

Instruments: Saxophone

My methodology contains five planks: Listening - exploring important music for the saxophone as well as other instruments; Fundamentals - engaging in exercises to improve overall facility with the saxophone as a whole; Scales - playing scales and technical exercises to improve dexterity and and fluidity on the saxophone; Etudes - completing weekly etude assignments to gain speed as a learner Repertoire - performing and practicing core pieces written for the saxophone as well as jazz standards. Read More

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Saxophone lessons in Sutersville to students of all ages and abilities.

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You are in Good Company

Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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