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Featured Violin Teachers Near Anaheim, CA

4057   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Violin lessons in Anaheim . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

James S

Instruments: Piano Voice Violin Viola Mandolin Keyboard

Piano: Alfred Adult, LCM classical, LCM jazz, standard classical, jazz and pop piano rep Voice: LCM classical, jazz/pop/rock. Bel canto approach standard art songs and arias. Standard musical theatre rep, jazz charts Theory: LCM classical and jazz theory grades 1-8 Violin: All For Strings, LCM violin, fiddler's fakebook Viola: All For Strings, LCM viola In addition I use my own text books, and all my lessons include theory/ear training. Read More

Merve T

Instruments: Piano Violin Music

I graduated from the renowned Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music Conservatory Performing Arts Bachelor Program in Istanbul/Turkey. After my graduation, I studied Sound Design at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I have worked on projects, from performances studio recording sessions to podcasting, and sound for films. I'm also a co-founding member of the EVA String Quartet, a female string quartet that performs both classical and Turkish music arrangements. Read More

Carlos M

Instruments: Piano Guitar Violin Saxophone Bass Guitar Organ Acoustic Guitar

My goal for every student especially the beginners is to make them play like a pro as soon as possible with emphasis on playing music by ear. My way of teaching is kind of unconventional because based on my experience, it took me a long time before I was able to play any song that I like since reading notes would require unwavering attention and huge effort depending on student’s skills to be able to play it perfectly. Read More

Samara R

Instruments: Piano Voice Violin

Expect lessons to be fun and enjoyable! I want all my students to love music. I use a variety of materials to craft customized lessons based on your interest, skill level, and musical style. Let me know what you want to learn and I can help you achieve that goal! Read More

Jiawei Y

Instruments: Violin Viola Music

For beginning students who are children, I typically start with the Suzuki Violin Method (Viola version available) with occasional ear training with the piano with the Kodaly method. For intermediate and advanced students, I introduce a variety of etudes, scale books, and solo repertoire, e.g. Carl Flesch, Kreutzer, Mazas, Dont, Dounis, and Unaccompanied Bach, etc. For viola students or violinists who are looking into doubling the viola, I introduce many techniques including Karen Tuttle and Primrose Scales to help along with the transition. Read More

Taylor Z

Instruments: Violin Viola

My personally philosophy is music is a special gift that must be cultivated through passion and efficient practice. Throughout the years, I have had the privilege of studying with some of the best violinists. I have taken lessons and masterclasses with Rocky Lee, violinist and artistic Director of South Coast Symphony Orchestra (SCYSO), Alexander Treger, former Concertmaster of LA Philharmonic Orchestra, Tamara Chernayk, an LA Philharmonic violinist, Randall Goosby, a rising concert violinist, and Gabriel Lefkowitz, Concertmaster of the Louisville Orchestra. Read More

Teacher In Spotlight

Grace R

Instruments: Violin Viola

If you have a Music Degree, what is it in (Performance, Education, Musicology, Theory, Composition, etc) and why did you choose that degree?
My Bachelor of Music was a concentration in Violin Performance. I chose this path because I primarily wanted to be a performer able to play in orchestras and live music settings. I was also lucky enough to have a teaching internship during college, so although I was giving recitals and learning major violin repertoire, I was also learning how to be a better teacher. My performance education has allowed me to do everything I want to do because it was a well rounded program. I am able to perform with orchestras and popular artists as well as teach many students!

What does a normal practice session look like for you?
A normal lesson with me begins with scales and technical exercises. We go over things like posture, bow hold, and left hand position in the first portion of the lesson. The student focuses on intonation, bowing straight, and making a solid sound. After scales and etudes, we move to any repertoire the student is working on. For younger students, it is generally something out of the Suzuki books. For older students, it is generally a more advanced piece, or any orchestra repertoire they are working on in their school or youth orchestra. While practicing repertoire, we focus on musicality as well as technique.

Do you use specific teaching methods or books? (Ex: Alfred, Bastion, Suzuki, Hal Leonard) Why did you choose them if you did?
I teach the Suzuki Method as well as All for Strings method books for beginners. My more advanced students use the Carl Flesch Scale Book, as well as standard etude books (Sevcik, Dont, Wolfhart, Dounis, etc.) I grew up learning the Suzuki method, so naturally when I began teaching, those were the books I was most comfortable with. The Suzuki method is a wonderful way for students to learn skills through playing pieces. I find it makes students excited because they are actually getting to play a song rather than only scales or etudes. I supplement the Suzuki method with All for Strings so students get comfortable with note reading and technique early on.

When did you decide to become a professional musician? Was it a gradual decision or was there a defining moment for you?
My decision to become a professional musician was a gradual one. I began playing the violin when I was eight years old. As I got older, I also became very involved in musical theatre. My schedule was filled with violin lessons and practice as well as stage productions and rehearsals. At some point the violin became my main focus, and I knew I wanted to pursue it in college. I had always been on the music career path in my private lessons, but once I decided to audition for colleges, I had to work even harder and prepare for my professional music education.

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Rhythm Notation: Learning to Read Basic Rhythms

...acknowledge the strongest beats in a measure even if they’re not being played. Use the word “and” to account for the eighth notes in a measure. For example, a measure of only eighth notes in a 4/4 time signature should be counted as 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and. An “e” and “uh” syllable can be used to count sixteenth notes.     Say It and Play It   The act of playing and saying a rhythm is a powerful way to solidify your rhythm reading knowledge. This is because counting out loud forces the music reader to get their thoughts out in the open... Read More

Understanding Lead Sheet Notation

...straight through, repeating itself several times. (Note that the chords in the video are slightly different than on the provided lead sheet, as is the prerogative of the performers).       Search for “When the Saints Go Marching In” on YouTube. There are plenty of audio and video examples of other performances. Listen to a bunch of them and compare them all. They all sound different, but they all have the same essential elements that lead sheet notation provides. The lead sheet provides the basis for the performers to create a complex arrangement out of. Some recordings are more arranged and some ... Read More

Beginning Jazz Piano: Getting Started with Chords and Lead Sheets

...had on music today.   Jazz Origins The history of jazz is as vast, complicated, and sprawling as the music itself. During the turn of the 20th century, African American folk songs began to intertwine with traditional European music in cities like New Orleans, St Louis, and Chicago. The result became jazz music. Early jazz is often said to be the combination of complex African rhythms and western European harmonies, but it in reality both cultures contributed much more to the art form than that. African music brought hugely-impactful ideas to American jazz music like call and response phrasing and the unique ... Read More

Vocal Exercises for Singers: Breathing and Beginner Exercises

...“a” vowel on each pitch of the descending scale. Begin the exercise in the same place in your range as you began previously. Continue up the scale by half step for a few repetitions, gradually warming up the middle of the vocal range (for example: if you begin your descending scale on G4, then the following repetition would begin on G#4).   Ex: Hmm à a – Hmm à a – Hmm à a – Hmm à a – Hmm à a G4 F4 E4 D4 C4   Ex: Nng à a – Nng à ... Read More

The Benefits of Classical Voice Training

...operatic repertoire. I’ve since echoed the importance of classical voice training in my own teaching after having experienced the benefits of my classical technique firsthand. I’ve performed an abundance of non-classical opportunities as a result of my technique, such as singing backup vocals for a hip hop album or taking on a contemporary, “belty” musical theatre role. I was hired for these jobs largely because the professionals who hired me trusted my abilities as a singer due to my classical background.   Classical technique is commonly used among voice teachers as a healthy foundation for any style of singing because ... Read More
Rhythm Notation: Learning to Read Basic Rhythms
Understanding Lead Sheet Notation
Beginning Jazz Piano: Getting Started with Chords and Lead Sheets
Vocal Exercises for Singers: Breathing and Beginner Exercises
The Benefits of Classical Voice Training

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Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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