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Aaron D In Home

Instruments: Guitar, Voice
Styles: Classical, Pop, Rock, Gospel, Musical Theater


Aaron D   In Home
Instruments: Guitar, Voice
Styles: Classical, Pop, Rock, Gospel, Musical Theater

Where I Teach:
In Your Home
Ages Taught: 10-80
Levels Taught:

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Degrees / Training / Special Info:
BA, East Texas Baptist University, English Composition and Sacred Music
My name is Aaron, and I am a recent graduate from East Texas Baptist University. I studied Sacred Music and English Composition, and I graduated with my B.A. in 2017. My primary instrument was guitar, and my secondary instrument was voice, both of which I have now been doing for almost ten years. While I studied classical style at University, I have done a wide range of genres outside of school including metal, indie acoustic, and folk rock. I have spent the last six years working with young musicians to help them to be the best musicians they can be, and I love providing students with the tools they need for both skill and longevity.
I started teaching music lessons about five years ago. I was a Pastor of Worship and Youth at a church, and I started giving voice and guitar lessons to students who were interested. As I continued to do this, I found that I loved seeing my students progress and become wonderful musicians. So as the passion grew, I began to teach lessons outside of church, and it has continued to grow in the years since. I love helping students skip all the mistakes I made early on and become fundamentally sound musicians who love what they do.
I have designed curriculums that work in phases according to the skill level of the student. In the beginning stages the curriculum is designed primarily based around the music theory required for playing the instrument at a high level. The lessons bounce back and forth between theory introduction and theory application. This continues throughout the beginning lessons, going from method to method accordingly. In the later stages I teach the student techniques and methods to improve form, speed, and overall functionality. These lessons are going to be less theory based, and more exercise based. Throughout all of the lessons the student will be given challenging and stimulating songs that are in line with the student's skill level. These songs will help keep the lessons fun and engaging, while building the students repertoire in the process.
I do this because I love music, and I love helping others love music. So, while I do want the students to be very proficient musicians, I am mostly concerned in helping cultivate the student's passion for music. After all, if the student doesn't love the music, it's not near as urgent to practice and produce results. The love of the music is what drives the practice. Also, while I have general curriculums designed to guide the student's educational journey, I know that all students learn at different paces. Therefore, each curriculum will go through a certain amount of adaptation in order to accommodate the student and his/her goals and speed of learning.
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